Day 7

No links today. I plan on making a second post shortly on a related topic.

OK, so day 7…what have I learned? I can’t cook breakfast food for poopsicles. I tried making over-medium eggs…and it didn’t work, lol. But he did eat his pancakes. Afterwards, we sat down to watch TV. Up to that point, he had just been wearing his pants and an undershirt. He decided to put his shirt on, and it was another sad but cute moment. I was having to help him get it on, and at one point, he had it stuck on his head, with just his face peeking out of the hole. The look on his face (pure innocence and confusion)  was priceless, and it reminded me of Dahli (my daughter), I had to giggle. It did make me a little sad to think that, unlike my daughter, he would never master this skill, but only continue to deteriorate. But, hey, in this type of situation, you have to find the sun where ever it pokes out of the clouds. Find enjoyment in any moment you can with them.

We had frito pie for lunch. I was afraid it would be difficult to eat, so I put the fritos, chili, and cheese in a pan and baked them so it would make a really thick, really cheesy, frito-flavored (the fritos get soft) chili. He ate every bit, along with some grapes and vanilla pudding. The pudding is hard for him to eat without dropping, but he seems to like it, so I don’t mind. We then sat back down to watch some more TV.

He was also very talkative today, which was good. Although, I did have to listen to the same story about the orphanage 20 times…but hey, I would rather hear that from him over and over than hear silence. And it was better than the previous conversation, about their move. I felt bad bringing it up, honestly. I had two motives…one, I wanted to just make conversation, and two, I was thinking that now that his mental facilities are starting to improve, a repetitive dialogue over moving might eventually form some sort of memory in his mind. I know it is a long shot, but with some forms of short term memory loss, this method works, so I thought, “what could it hurt?”

Well, he obviously didn’t know what I was talking about, so I explained it. I told him he would be moving in with my parents, my brother, and my cousin. He went back and forth between being fine with it-“Well, my wife and Lisa know what they are doing,” to upset-“No one told me about this!” He was getting more and more upset, so I had to sidetrack him. I started talking about what was on the TV (some divorce court show) and that made him think about the orphanage and his family. Better than him feeling anxious over a move, but I do worry a little, as he keeps saying he thinks all his brothers and sisters are dead. Sad, really.

Anyway, I had to leave at 3 this time to pick up Will and Dahlia, but my cousin was there. I left him with a snack and some water, against my better judgement. He had water to drink earlier, and had been up and down ever since having to go to the bathroom. I just hope he found the bathroom ok after I left…

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