Finally! A new post!

Well, my grandparents are moved into their new house, and I have their computer up and running, viruses and other misc. junk removed. I think I will ask my aunt to run some scans to see if I missed anything. But I now have internet access during the day, and my laptops will also be fixed, soon, too. So I can pick back up blogging, school will be easier, and life in general will be good.  Happily, while cleaning up her laptop, I also found some pictures I copied for myself. Some of Papa, some of Dahlia, my wedding, other things, and the family in general. But anyway, back to blogging…

As usual, the report is mixed. He seems to be learning the layout of the house well, and can find the bathroom with little to no help most of the time. I just remind him every morning, and usually, for the rest of the day, he can find it on his own, sometimes just needing a little reminder. And while he doesn’t remember their names, he remembers that Will usually comes in with me in the mornings (he missed him this morning!) and that Dahlia is with Will when he comes to pick me up. Also, we have him a bracelet now, and someone is coming tomorrow to put locks and ramps in to help keep him safe and to facilitate his getting in and out when he is going places with family.

But the negative is rough. He has tried to leave several times, to “go home,” and it is worrisome. He doesn’t like leaving the house, especially without my grandmother (unless he is wandering, lol). He even turned down a chance to go to the World Series to see our Rangers. Also, when the woman with the Alzheimer’s Assoc. was here, and my grandmother and I were having to tell her about his condition, he was very upset. I tried to keep him distracted, but he heard the whole thing, and was so angry with my grandmother for telling the lady how forgetful he is and the different things he cannot do for himself. He was saying he was going to move out to get away from her, and I was joking, trying to entertain him, and I said “Who will cook for you?” He said “I just won’t eat,” to which I responded “Then what will you do?” What he said then kind of upset me a little because the vindiction in his voice: “Die. I would rather die than listen to that bullcorn.” *sigh* I hate hearing him that upset. Of course, the next day he had forgotten all about it and was fine, but it is still worrying.

Will and I have been talking. He is trying to prepare me, in his own way, for what is inevitable. I know Papa’s going to continue to deteriorate, and that could entail anything from being mean and aggressive (not that he can hurt anyone physically) to being unable to eat or “go” by himself. The day that I can’t care for him is coming eventually. My parents are moving in with my grandparents soon, but what will happen while they are at work and I can’t care for Papa anymore? Will a nurse come in? How will that affect him? I just know that if he were put in a home it would only be a matter of time. He needs the interaction of his family, not a life devoid of quality social interaction. *sigh* I know I shouldn’t worry about all this now, and that I should take it one day at a time, but I guess that being with him everyday really brings it home.

Anyway, I have some homework to catch up on, and I have a walk coming up on the 19th that I need to try to get some donations for, so I better go. I will try to get some good articles for tomorrow’s blog.


At a zoo a few years ago

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